Science is but a perversion of itself unless it has as its ultimate goal the betterment of humanity... (Nikola Tesla)

Science is everywhere in today’s world. It is part of our daily lives. Science and technology are transforming our world at an incredible speed. and our future will surely be filled with leaps in technology we cannot imagine. “Science literate” will no longer be just an advantage but an absolute necessity. We can’t escape from the significance of science in our world. SRILANKANKEY has identified the relationship between humans and science, so our members expect to give Science literate for all peoples to develop all good aspects of society.

Science is a systematic enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the universe.

Technology is the collection of techniques and processes used to produce goods or services or to achieve objectives such as scientific investigation.


New generation and technology is not different section, it’s attached with each other’s, and sometimes child can utilize technology than adults, what is the reason for it, because new generation has acquired that Technology since birth. The pew research Centre (USA) do research about generation divide, in pew research, researchers are define generations based on changes in views over time.
Anyone born between 1981 and 1996 (ages 25 to 40 in 2021) is considered a Millennial, and anyone born from 1997 onward is part of a new generation.
Since the oldest among this rising generation are just turning 24 this year, and most are still in their teens or younger, they are Generation Z Gen Zers are just starting to enter adulthood, early research shows Gen Zers are is pragmatic, money-conscious, entrepreneurial, global, connected and independent. Gen Zers are like to work independently and have mobile connectivity in their blood. They have excellent information research skills online and use several different sources to obtain information. They take online multitasking to a whole new level. These qualities constitute an excellent basis for learning and using technology and science. They are young and eager to change the world, but are also pragmatic about the work it takes to make a change. We want to make them aware of the new dimensions of science and technology and explain what practicality of science. This is, of course, one of the major aims of the SRILANKANKEY foundation.


Sri Lankan arts and crafts have an interrelationship with our tradition and Buddhist culture. The child who learns to respect our arts and aesthetics, naturally tend to preserve our traditional and cultural values. The cultural gatherings, traditional and religious events, literary works and crafts of Sri Lanka were gaining global attention since ancient times. Even though we could see a diminish in that glow for the last few decades the current trend is again reflecting a new rise and motivation among our young generation. The energy of youthful skills and In present days Science and technology are widespread in Society, Nowadays everything connects with technology and it is spread among all the Youngers and old people. Also, it’s directly attached to human life. There has been a big revolution in science and technology today. This evolution has been made easier human necessity. We can’t escape from the significance of science in our world. SRILANKANKEY has identified the relationship between humans and science, so our members expect to give Science literate for all peoples to develop all good aspects of society.


The SRILNKANKEY community expects to conduct school workshops, conduct seminar series, conduct online lessons, arrange observation tours, and organize programs by university students to impart scientific knowledge to school children and thereby implementing a scholarship program for those university students as well. We also hope to conduct online courses by university students for anyone interesting in technology to learn about programming languages, new software. And also we are hoping to give a scholarship for providing higher education of technology to selected students. Furthermore, we also hope to help with innovations.

Revive Again The Great Technology

That Was Lost From Sri Lankans